Blackberry/BES: Troubleshooting & Resolving BlackBerry Activation Issues

Issue 1: There is a "please contact your systems administrator" error
The end user may experience the following obstacles during smartphone activation:
  1. The BlackBerry smartphone stops responding for 10 minutes and displays an "activating" status.
  2. The smartphone attempts the "enterprise activation" process every 10 minutes and displays a "retrying" status. 
  3. After 40 minutes, the BlackBerry smartphone stops retrying and displays one of the following error messages:
  • The server is not responding. Please contact your system administrator.
  • An error has occurred. Please contact your system administrator.
There are several possible causes for this problem. Please find the reasons and corresponding resolutions below.
Cause 1
The user's account mailbox is full, or the messaging server cannot send or receive email messages.
Have the user try to send and receive an email message using the email application on the computer (for example, Microsoft®, Outlook® or IBM® Lotus Notes®)
Cause 2
 An incorrect email address was used to start the "enterprise activation" process.
Have the user specify the correct email address and restart the "enterprise activation" process. From the home screen of the BlackBerry smartphone, the user can navigate to:
Options > Advanced Options > Enterprise Activation
From the "enterprise activation" screen, have the user type the primary SMTP email address in the Email field.
Have the user type the activation password in the Password field.
Have the user open the menu and select Activate.
Cause 3
The password set in BlackBerry Manager was applied incorrectly.
Check if the password was applied correctly by closing BlackBerry Manager and then opening it again.
If the password was manually typed, confirm that the correct password is listed in the user’s properties. If the password is not present, verify that the Microsoft® SQL Server™ permissions are correct.
Check for network connectivity issues on the Microsoft SQL Server, and confirm that you have the correct MDAC version.
Cause 4
The ETP.dat message is deleted, modified or not accessible (Microsoft® Exchange only)
Email messages are sent to the BlackBerry user’s personal folder; therefore, the BlackBerry Enterprise Server cannot access the activation message (ETP.dat).
The ETP.dat activation message is deleted or modified by an anti-virus application or message blocking software.
The ETP.dat activation message is unaltered in the user’s inbox, but the BlackBerry Enterprise Server does not retrieve it.
To determine any changes with the ETP. dat message, send the BlackBerry smartphone user a blank .dat file from an external email address and have the user forward the file back.
Cause 5
The ETP.dat message received two accounts.
If a user forwards email messages to a second BlackBerry smartphone user, the ETP.dat activation message is sent to both BlackBerry user accounts.
When the BlackBerry Enterprise Server scans all BlackBerry smartphone user mailboxes, it cannot determine which user is using the BlackBerry smartphone because the ETP.dat message was sent to two accounts.
Complete one of the following steps:
Remove the second user from the BlackBerry Enterprise Server. (When the first BlackBerry user completes the "enterprise activation" process, add the second BlackBerry smartphone user to the BlackBerry Server again).
Before starting the "enterprise activation process," turn off "message forwarding," until the user completes the "enterprise activation" process.
Cause 6
The BlackBerry smartphone was incorrectly provisioned for enterprise service.
Contact the wireless service provider to verify that the correct services are provisioned.
Cause 7
The user account was not created on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
Create the user account on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server.
Cause 8
An activation password is missing.
Create an activation password.


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