PowerShell Script to Sort Your Photos into "YYYY-MM-DD" folders by the date they were created
This 3-liner will read the folder where you have many pictures. Then it will read the date pictures/files were created and create a new folder (Ex: 2016-12-31). Then it will move corresponding pictures into this folder. So you will have all the pictures sorted out into the folders with corresponding date. $DestRootDir="C:\Users\MyUsername\Pictures\" $fotos = Get-ChildItem $DestRootDir | ? {!$_.PSIsContainer} | Group-object -Property @{Expression={$_.CreationTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")}} -AsHashTable -AsString $fotos.GetEnumerator() | % {New-Item -Path $($DestRootDir+$_.Key) -ItemType Directory; $dest=$DestRootDir + $_.Key ; $_.Value | % {Move-Item $($DestRootDir+$_.Name) -Destination $dest} } BEFORE: C:\Pictures File1.jpg (created Nov 24 2015) File2.jpg (created Nov 24 2015) File3.jpg (created Dec 31 2015) ...