Script to List, Query and Assign Load Evaluator on Citrix Metaframe Server
Create a file call is LE.vbs and copy script below to that file. Then go to command prompt switch directory to the one you saved script to and run the script: If you only use server name as a prarameted you will get a list of all available load evaluators. Also the on that is currently assigned to a server will be marked by "*" sign Command: LE.vbs MYCTXSRV01 Output: List of available Load Evaluators: * - current LE assigned to a server LMSDefaultLE MFDefaultLE * VM Servers Offline If you use this with the Load evaluator name script will assign it to the server and then print the list of load evaluators again If Load evaluator has space in the name use quotations. Command: LE.vbs MYCTXSRV01 "VM Servers" '--/ BEGIN SCRIPT /--' If (WScript.Arguments.Count ...